Wednesday, March 14, 2012

CHICKEN FINGER PUPPET- crochet a rectangle shape(use pinky finger as a guide) using yellow,  light orange, or white yarn.  Sew up sides of rectangle with yarn needle.  When you get to the top , fold yarn into a "beak shape" and sew with needle.  Eyes can be made with perm. marker,sewed on, or glue wiggle eyes onto it(do not give this puppet to a small child, as the wiggle eyes are a choking hazard).  I drew the waddle and beard on red felt, & cut it out.  It was sewed on with needle & thin thread.  These can go into Operation Christmas Child boxes, or be given out in Easter baskets!   Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Why did the chicken cross the road?(to serve the scrambled eggs to his neighbor)

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