Sunday, March 25, 2012

How do we use our "gifts?" We may have a talent for singing, being a great listener, or speaker.  We may have a gift of serving those in need (food, clothing, shelter, education, & so on)  Maybe we can sew or do crafts.  Let's reach out to God and ask Him how we can use them for His glory. 
I had the pleasure of attending a Meredith Andrews concert today.  I could hear that she was a wonderful singer/songwriter.  I could hear that she has a lovely voice.  She is a great speaker.  She has compassion for others.  What I could clearly see is that she is using her gift to build up others, to glorify God.  I am inspired by this.  I challenge everyone to look to do the same.  1Corinthians 14:12 So it is with you.  Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Crochet rectangle, fold in half, sew up to top leaving a wide space to attach "cloud."
 First, draw a face on the cloud.  You sew cloud onto yarn(use a regular needle & thread). You can make a sun, moon, star, or whatever foam shape theme you can find! 
Shoebox or gift bag idea~ Theme: Everything Homemade
WASHCLOTH-A shoebox gift idea!Take a closer look...
Mixed colored yarn with a heart added
Crochet rectangle folded in half and sewed together with yarn needle, to form a "pouch" for soap.  Hook is single crochet.
To make a thicker washcloth, I sew 2 squares together(peach one on the left side of pic.)
Scarf/head wrap-crochet approx. 24 in. long for a 2-4 year old girl or boy.  You can add fringes at the bottom, if you like.
Pouch with wrist strap and additional shoulder strap- crochet a rectangle and fold up to form a "pouch."  Sew up sides, tacking fast near top of pouch openings.  Sew on button & loop of yarn for closure.  Make a long "foundation row of yellow & green yarn combined for a shoulder strap.  You can attach shoulder strap or include it in box.  Good for girl or boy.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Handbag/purse/coin purse/headband/cuff bracelets-see:  How it Started section on blog.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cross (coral with flower petals applied) Example of one design mentioned previously.
Cross (mini) see directions in previous post
Cross (tan & coral yarn)  made the same as previous post.  Coral yarn stitched from back to front to indicate Jesus head,hands, & feet. 
EASTER-let's make a cross!
Crochet a straight piece until it's the length you want your cross.  Knot the end.  Crochet a 2nd piece, a little shorter than the first.  You may want to add width to it, though.  Lay the shorter piece across the first one.  Sew it on.  You can add on appliques like;  a heart or flower.  I cut up a larger flower above.  Each petal can be sewed onto your cross(head, hands, feet)  You can give it the way it is, or make it into a bookmark, pin, necklace, or hanging decoration.
Hooks and yarn needle

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hello, again!  It's time for Bible verse of the week:
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
Hebrews 10:24

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Foundation Row- Make a loop & pull it tight.  Slip loop around hook.  Pull it a little tighter. Take yarn (from ball of yarn) & wrap it around the hook, from back to front & pull that yarn through the loop (stitch) on the hook.  Continue doing this until you have your Foundation row as long as you want.  Keep each crochet stitch the same. 
I used two strands of yarn tied together.  I crochet a chain stitch (foundation), the first row you do when you start a project. My hook was a medium size & I used my own wrist as a guide, making it a bit longer.  This can be adjusted accordingly for the person wearing it.   I made some plain and some with beads.  Beaded ones- I did two stitches and then pushed a "pony bead" through to the end where I stopped.  Crochet two stitches and add a "pony bead" & so on to the end.  You can either make a really big knot at the end to secure the bracelet, or use a bead to hook it over to secure it.  The butterfly can be purchased in a pack to sew on after you make bracelet.
CHICKEN FINGER PUPPET- crochet a rectangle shape(use pinky finger as a guide) using yellow,  light orange, or white yarn.  Sew up sides of rectangle with yarn needle.  When you get to the top , fold yarn into a "beak shape" and sew with needle.  Eyes can be made with perm. marker,sewed on, or glue wiggle eyes onto it(do not give this puppet to a small child, as the wiggle eyes are a choking hazard).  I drew the waddle and beard on red felt, & cut it out.  It was sewed on with needle & thin thread.  These can go into Operation Christmas Child boxes, or be given out in Easter baskets!   Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Why did the chicken cross the road?(to serve the scrambled eggs to his neighbor)
Tip:  a thin crochet hook will make your project smaller and tighter.  A large hook (#8) used with thick yarn, will produce a larger and loose crochet (good for hat and scarf ). 
Tip:  if you are just starting out, I suggest using a lighter color of yarn.  It's easier to see your stitches.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

pencil pouch, coin pouch, small dish.
Single or dbl. crochet a square or rectangle shape(size to suit yourself).  If  you have an item it is intended for, make the shape a bit longer than it(ex. pencil).  Sew on cloth shape or a handmade bow.  A button for closure.  Maybe you have another idea-?  Let me know and we can share it with others!  These were for Valentine's Day, but I bet they could be used for other things. 

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life! John 3:16
WASHCLOTHS(peach & blue)

Operation Christmas Child Shoe box idea: WASHCLOTH~

Most of the items are made using a thin,or medium size hook.  I like the plastic hooks best because they are easier on your fingers!  Yarn is thin to medium and "mixed fibers."  I try to use all cotton for washcloths, but you can use mixed, as well.  My washcloths are a small crocheted square with a row of single crochet attached at one end for a hook.  You can sew on a small cloth "heart," if you would like to jazz it up.  If you make it extra long, you can fold it 3/4 to 1/2 way up (tack well at tops of pouch).   Sew the sides up with a plastic yarn hook.   This will be a pocket for the bar of soap!
If we start early, we can get alot of this made in time for the boxes!  I shoot for the first week of November to have projects done.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I've only just begun...please check back for more in the coming weeks!  Future Posts:
Easter (cross)
friendship bracelets (so easy & quick!)
chicken puppets
red, white, and blue!
inspired by nature
how to videos
basics, supplies needed list,  and recommended "blogs."
You can comment on here or email me at:
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Each one should use whatever gift he has to serve others faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms.  If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

duck/snake with a hat
Smiley guy
giraffe/Prince button
How did I do it?  Crochet small square, approx. 3 in. x 3 in.(i use half double crochet).  Fold in half lengthwise (use your pinkie finger as a guide). Take yarn needle and sew up the sides, tacking it near the top) Draw a face on it with perm. marker or sew  eyes, nose, and mouth with thread or yarn of different color, than the yarn used for the square.  To make a beak or pointy nose, I fold the yarn into place & sew it up(this is where an odd shaped square will come in handy!)
Fellow crocheters- please don't take me wrong, I do appreciate your beautiful work (when following patterns) and admire you for your patience in completing the projects!  I know I will never be able to create perfect fit clothing or a perfect design like you do.  I am just using this as an alternate way for those of us, who choose not to make things that require following a certain pattern.  It is also a way to create your own designs and color combinations.  Have a creative and colorful day!

How it started...

Cuff  Bracelets
I used rows of half double crochet.  A plastic yarn needle is a must for most projects.  You can sew the ends together to form bracelet.  I picked up cloth shapes (bows, hands, butterflies)at Dollar store to sew on to them.  I will post my "friendship" bracelets in another post.

I found out that I am not into following a long, complicated set of instructions.  I do like to crochet and I wanted to make a lot of smaller projects, using my own imagination.  I start out sometimes not knowing what my creation will become!  I will be posting ideas, pictures, and videos showing you the things I make by using different sizes of hooks. and no pattern (per say).  I will give you approximate directions.   I encourage you to add your own ideas and make  the projects your OWN creation!  I am currently working on items for Samaritan's Purse, Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.  I want my blog to be an "encouragement" to those of you who like to crochet, but can't seem to finish a project.  I HAVE BEEN THERE!  Not any longer~now it's so much more fun!!! Happy crocheting!

Cuff bracelets, headband(strip of felt was used here), basket, purses.  Next, I will post a step by step of a "pouch" or coin purse.  The purse is a larger crocheted square with sides sewed up.  You can add a handle by attaching a few rows of dbl. crochet.  Do not worry about crocheting perfectly even rows.  You will be sewing the ends together anyway (cool!).  Buttons will come in handy, if you want a fancy hook for a closure.  I will post basket  instructions later.  Please check back in a few days.
(1)rectangle shape
(2)Fold to form a "pouch"& sew up both sides(tack ends closest to opening of "pouch.")
(3) Fold top down, position button & sew it on, push a piece of yarn through crochet section below button, to hook on when closing pouch.  You can make this any size or shape you would like!