Friday, July 4, 2014

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!  What is "IndependencE DAY? 
On July 4, 1776 the 13 colonies declared their independence.  To be free from restrictions and to live their life in peace as they wished to.  But, we also need to realize that we need to be "dependent" on the one who "set us free" spiritually.  Our God.  Our greatest strength comes from being dependent on Him.  Our forefathers recognized this.  I urge you today to study History and compare it to what is happening today.  Those who think they are fighting for their freedoms, may actually be "giving them away."  Probably, without realizing it!  So, instead of listening to the medias and politicians babble, do your own research and ask God to guide you in your decisions.  Have a great Holiday! 

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