Friday, July 19, 2013

We all  face this in our lifetimes!  What to do about it?  I bring this up because it has come to my husband's family this month.  We lost another nephew last year.  Both young and "unexpected."
I would like to share a few Bible verses for comfort.  At the end of this post, I will share some ideas on what we can do to keep busy.   What can we do to honor those we know that have "passed on?"

Cast all your anxiety on (God) because he cares for you~1Peter 5:7 (NIV)
If you ask God into your heart and tell Him your troubles, He will comfort you!

Jesus said, "Because I live, you also will live ~ John 14:19
Christ's victory over death gives us all hope in any sorrow!

Most of you either crochet, knit or do crafts.

 1- Create something special in honor of your loved one.
Did they have a "special interest?"  If they loved animals, you could donate crocheted, knitted, or sew blankets for your local shelters. 
2-  Are there children/grandchildren left behind?  Make something for them with your loved one's name on it.  You can use your yarn needle to hand stitch their name(it's easier than you think). 
3-  Have a "craft" night.  Invite family/friends to come and help with crafts that you can donate to your favorite charities, in honor of your loved one.

Be creative-Be inspired!
Have a "blessed weekend!"
~Creative Crochet Girl

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
"Potholder"  I found this link and it is a nice example of instructions for a little project.  I would also say it would make great "wall art," which I am considering a creation of an original design in the near future.  Also, note that you can crochet with materials OTHER THAN YARN (plastic strips, rope, hemp, slim line cord, material, etc,..).

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ANCESTORS, PART 2-How they influenced my creativity!

Great Aunt Helen-  She worked in a sewing factory when she was younger,  So did My Grandmother, her sister.  Her favorite was hand embroidery or cross stitching.   She enjoyed baking cookies.   She was also my partner to play cards or do jig saw puzzles.
My Dad-  He encouraged me to do crafts at age 12.  I was in the "Craft of the Month club."  For $1.99, I would get a whole craft kit (different one) every month.  I would give them as gifts, or sometimes keep it for myself.  My Dad made wooden decorations that he designed.  He even created a "bean bag" game out of wood.  He painted it with a logo, and submitted his idea to a company.  They did not accept it, and I felt very sad for him.  He made a huge Indian for our football team, painted all nice.  It hung on our front porch all season.  When he was retired, he created little wooden "bird houses."  I have one in my kitchen.  He gave them all away.
Mom-  She inspired me with her "decorating" skills.  Our home was decorated all year long.  Christmas was like a "wonderland."  She made "homemade" snowflakes out of lace.  My Mom taught me to care about others.  She sent greeting cards to everyone she could.  This inspired me to be kind, and show concern to others through greetings or giving.
ANCESTORS I remember, and how they influenced my hunger for "Creativity!" PART 1

One of my earliest memories of My Great Grandmother, Frances Albrecht; braiding strips of material to make "rugs."  I thought, "Wow!  She is so talented!  I was about 5 yrs. old then.

Grandmother Angeline (Albrecht) Radzinowicz~ Granny lived next door to us.  She was always "crocheting!"  Of course, when I was a "teen," I wasn't interested in learning.  When I got older and she passed away, I wished I would've had her teach me.  She made me a hat, mittens, scarf, and a blanket.  Her friend made me a "sock monkey."  That was impressive, as well.